Monday, February 2, 2009

Define 'Politically Incorrect'.


Deboleena said...

The second one's hilarious! xD

Anushka said...

These are therapeutic in the pre-ISC season.

Check out

They're rather like Explosm, only more graphic.

Vile and Vicious said...

@ Mermaiden: All of them are. :)

@ Death on Two Legs: Thanks. Really. Both sites are amazing, deeply disturbing, and completely hilarious.

Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

the last one is actually something i thought about during psychology classes. cyanide and happiness is the shit.

solleymata said...

The last one was thought about during psych classes? Killer. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

solleymata said...

Broca's area indeed