Sunday, September 21, 2008

One day, for fun, I shot me dead
I put a bullet through my head
And drank some tea, and waited, sighed,
And then I yawned and slowly died.

I woke the next day and I found
My corpse was lying on the ground.
I quickly got up, ran downstairs
And there, on a pair of rickety chairs
Sat Mom and Dad – They looked so old
It’s time those blasted chairs were sold.

So there, la mère and père, they sat
Discussing this, dismissing that.
Dissecting eggs and butter and meat
And other things our parents eat.

“Mom, I’ve shot me in the head.”
“You haven’t cleaned your room,” she said,
“You never do. Have I not told
You a million times, when coffee’s cold,
Don’t drink it? Wait. I’ll go and heat
Another pot. You look so sweet!
Your bright pink shirt fits perfectly!
Your velvet pants they seem to be
So snug, aha! You like them too?
You think I should have bought a blue
Pair as well? Well, never mind;
Some other day. You know, I find
You most annoying, leave at once
You lazy good for nothing dunce.”

And so I left for school. And there,
The girls began to point and stare
And giggle, whisper, sigh, and smile –
It felt so strange, it took a while
For me to realize that I
Am one goddamn good looking guy.
Then, all at once, they pounced on me;
We squeezed, we cuddled, we fondled, we
Had quite a blast – at half past one
When, quite exhausted, we were done
We went to class. The teacher taught
Organic chem. and god knows what!
Riemann Integrals, I think.
I noticed Susan, saw her wink
At me, I winked right back, she smiled –
When all our class-notes were compiled
She led me to her office where
Without a thought, without a care
She kissed me, and … well, as for me
I really love debauchery.

I stayed there for an hour or two
(Doing things I always do)
And when I looked around and spied
The Principal was satisfied,
I left. And on the field I saw
A Bully punch me in the jaw.
He punched me twice – once more for luck
He called me ‘Prick’ and ‘Dick’ and ‘Shmuck’.
I kissed him on his lips, I ran
My fingers through his hair, began
To whisper in his ears, to say …
But then the Bully ran away.

I left as well, went to the park
I stayed there till ‘twas very dark
Wondering where my life was going –
Then, alas, it started snowing
And so I ran back home, I ate
My dinner and I washed my plate.
And, like a good boy, went to bed;
And no one noticed I was dead.


Tito said...

**Thunderous applause**


Deboleena said...

vile and vicious; evilly delicious
yours this blogpost be.
and here's your trident; wear it a-strident
though you still serve in MY monarchy.

Vile and Vicious said...

I be the God of Oceans, I
Am king of all I survey. My
trident (which I wield, not wear),
My long and shiny silver hair
My rippling muscles, dazzling smile
My verse, delicious, vicious, vile
Do now proclaim my rule. I stand
With aforementioned weapon in hand
(All shimmering, shiny, sharp and cool -
Anemones sigh and dolphins drool)
And ward off demented mermaids who try
Appropriate my kingship; I
Shall now cry Havoc and let loose
The dogs of war (The doggies choose
Not to get involved so they,
I'm sad to say, have run away).

My Dogs have fled, but never mind:
I shall rebel, and you shall find
"Old age hath yet his honor and his toil"
And as I stand on the ocean's soil
I vow "To strive, to seek, to find,
and not to yield" to mermankind.

Deboleena said...

Damn it. I was hoping you'd miss the wear thing. :p ludicrously flourish is more like it! and you're in a different realm, buddy. atlanta has chucked you out. so there!

Deboleena said...

the dogs of war bit neptune's tushy off. neptune can not sit and so is miserably floundering about in a mossy pool somewhere. followed by drooling, sighing anemone

Doubletake, Doublethink. said...

wickedly brilliant, this is.

Deboleena said...

There was one viscious warlord [;)]
who nodded like a sage
And every time he yawned
he did reveal his age.

And although he spoke not much
and did seem to be quite glum
when the music began to play
he skipped to the beats of the drum!

And when he found the lone midget
a tad lost & shaken
chivalry, as if from slumber,
did in his breast awaken!

And he rushed to the call of duty,
with rusty sword and comb.
and drinking in the cold wind
he managed to reach her home.

And with a careless little wave,
a casual flick of hand
he removed all need for thanks
and instead returned to his land.

Where he shall ride unicorns:
his crown brighter than the sun
And with newly reinstated pride
reign over each and every one.

precisely said...

why, oh why, do you write such wonderful verse? :(

Deboleena said...

so that we may "ooh!" & "ahh!" to glory :)

Anonymous said...

The Dogs of War, if you recall, chum, belong to me, and I don't remember you having asked to borrow them. No wonder they refused to get involved in any way; and that does, ahem, include bitting his bum off, dudette.

Also, old man, let this be known, unless I'm reinstated in Olympus, I refuse the loan of any of my belongings-


Deboleena said...

Olympus, Atlanta, Jheel-par.. phew! how many kingdoms do you simultaneously misgovern? No wonder you've lost all traces of sanity. Or, that could just be the meds kicking in.

And Ate:

No, doggies (even the violent sort :P) really like biting (ful)tushies. So technically they aren't really 'involved' in the war: just being true to their canine instincts!

Magically Bored said...

Your poetry is brilliant!
Keep up the good work!